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Hello !


Here it's a french community so o think the website can be translate but if u want i can translate a little bit for you.


If you have others questions contact me at my Minefield box !

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As hasuke said, this server has been create by 4 French guy, for a French community. But you can try to translate (google trad powaaaaaa) some topics to integrate our community. I remember that Samcube made his application to become a "paysan".

You can try you too!

That s all. Thanks for all compliments!

Good luck to become a paysan.

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I'm a 13 years old guy and I speak a lot english. Also, if you want I can translate much things on the server. For the english Website, you need to ask a moderator, but I think the answer will be "no" just because this is a French server.

Bye and have fun.

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But you can try to translate (google trad powaaaaaa) some topics to integrate our community. I remember that Samcube made is application to become a "paysan".

Je veux pas etre méchant mais google traduction et autre site font des traductions littérales (mot à mot) et non pas littéraire (dans la logique du texte). donc je pense a titre personnelle que tu ne l'aidera pas.

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First of all, welcome !

We will try to translate as much as we can (the rules in the beginning :P) to make it more enjoyable for English people :)

Some player are good in English, the other ones are good with google translate xD

If you have some question you can contact the moderators by pm on the website, just select the group "gouverneurs". We'll try to answer something readable :P


Finally i'm sorry for mine, I just woke up 30 minutes ago T.T

I'll also lock this topic to avoid the "google translate curious people"


Cya im game and don't forget : feel free to contact us !

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