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Le Temple de Taelhyn


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Bon c’est la troisième fois que je lis « GG à Socolin et Super_Pingouin ». Je tiens à préciser que le donjon à entièrement été pensé et crée par trois personnes, Socolin et Pingouin mais également moi-même (biscuitcraft) qui pour le coup me sens délaissé…

De plus Hooder à aidé à la construction sur le serveur minefield ainsi que Kirshou qui a en plus rédigé le rp!


Les retours sur le donjon font énormément plaisir mais je tenais quand même à préciser que l’équipe ne se limitait pas à deux personnes car je pense que tous méritent un merci!






Pour les crédits complets :

- Conception : Socolin, biscuitcraft, super_pingouin

- Réalisation sur Minefield : Socolin, hooderZB, kirschou, super_pingouin

- Ecriture du RP : kirschou, super_pingouin


Sans oublier Neymir pour son plugin donjon :)


Il est vrai que nous sommes plus présent IG, soco et moi-même, pour assurer le SAV du donjon, c'est peut être pour ça qu'on ne cite que nous, ce qui est injuste.

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vraimment genial super decor ont est vraimment dans l'ambiance, le rp est tres bien pensé, l'adresse est aussi bien trouvé bref 1H30 de plaisir. Que du bonheur, en plus les panneaux laisse a penser a une suite :D

Et je la ferai avec plaisir, Encore un gros bravo a vous deux et bonne chance pour la suite ;)

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Alors là... :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:


C'est vraiment un magnifique donjon, avec des épreuves vraiment géniales et ultra pensées, et basé sur un RP presque véridique tellement il est bien :lol::lol:


Je suis vraiment sidéré par la quantité de travail qui a du être fournie, et je vous applaudis bien fort :clap: :clap: :clap:


Par contre, seul bémol : le trésor. Je n'en dirais pas plus pour ne pas spoiler mais franchement... :twisted:


Autrement, génial ! ;)

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Un très bon moment passé dans ce donjon, long et avec des épreuves variés (il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts). Le RP est non seulement bien pensé mais en plus il s'intercale très bien avec les énigmes et l'architecture générale du temple.

Côté difficulté c'est bien dosé: quelques sauts difficiles et une énigme en particulier qui donne un peu de fil à retordre et encore (tout dépend en fait de la manière dont vous écrivez le chiffre 4; ce qui ont fait le donjon me comprendront :P )


Sur ce merci à tous les créateurs du donjon, notamment biscuitcraft avec qui j'ai eu l'occasion de croiser le fer plus d'une fois au nether! J'attends avec impatience la suite et encore bravo pour ce travail de si bonne qualité! ;)

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Coucou j'ai fait quelque chose de complètement inutile mais je l'ai fait !


J'ai traduit du mieux que je pouvais le post et le RP en Anglais :ugeek: .Pour vous épargner la taille du post

il sera dans un spoiler à la fin du message.


En tout cas ça peut éventuellement servir si des anglophones veulent faire le donjon. :D

Il ne faut pas me demander pourquoi car je ne le dirais jamais ou plus tard ^^






The temple of Taelhyn, opens at last its doors after many weeks of hard work.


Our adventure starts in a stranded and abandoned village . Rendez-vous in the world Navis in 410/300, the last known position of Sir Drake. Maybe you will find some clues to find the entrance of the secret entrance of the temple hidden in the desert...


To be able to hope to survive in this dungeon you must be 3 neither more nor less !


Role Play :


Let-me tell you a story ...


Some inhabitants of the desert say that they are descendants of an antique civilisation,

who had ruled for thousands of years …

however, after the peak there is always a drop


The chief goddesses of this civilisation were in conflict, taking with them all who had helped them during their accession …


People did not know what to think : which goddess could save them ? With whom must they become an ally ? Some of them became mad and thew themselves in to the sea, others from mountain peaks. Some were ashamed and went in exile. But a handful of lucid men and women fought the goddesses madness, they managed to lock up their powers in a chamber in one of their numerous temples that they had built in the honor of these goddesses.


The three goddesses were trapped and found their calm progressively. Then they looked through the only window the cahos that they had created by their fault. The first one fell into tears , that way the oceans started to grow.

The second committed suicide, who knows where go dead goddesses, taking away life from the earth that were once upon at time abundant but left *kof kof*. Sorry for all this sand … Now, where was i.

The third, let her anger out, destroying a part of the temple and broke the barrier built by those who we tend to call the guardians.

These guardians, having trapped the goddesses, reinforced the prison and hid it from everyone else. But, the rumor says that we can still get into the chamber where they are still awaiting to be freed. This chamber might contain also *kof kof* Ah, all this sand !

Anyway, this chamber is supposed to be reserved to the apprentices and descendants of the guardians. I hear that only ones who are agile, and intelligent enough to go and see these three goddesses. Personally, all this stuff is no longer for my age, but you maybe you can ?


To be able to resolve some riddles, and no being able to write it all on signs here is the translation of Sir Drake during his exploration of the temple.


Part 1 : The creation


At the beginning, there was the Creator. He created the world around us. Our world was holding on 3 fundamental pillars. Nature, water and fire. Three pillars universal and depending on each other. He transformed these three elemental forces into three separate souls, wielding the same power. They had the same power so that the world stability would be untouched. From there were born Athynel, Taelhyn and Hynelta. Estimating his mission finished, the Creator left, leaving the three goddesses to take care of his work.

Time went by, and from the union of these elements embodied into three goddesses came men.

Athynel from nature brought to men wood, essential to all construction and agriculture.

Taelhyn from water gave men rain it calms thirst and irrigates earth, she gave also the ocean for fishing

Hynelta from flame gave to men fire that illuminates and warms when it’s night from fire she made metal melt that allowed mankind to advance in technology.

Men respected them, then adored them; without doubting the side effect of this adoration.


Part 2 : The fall


Indeed, the goddesses started to get greedy.

They realised that without them humans were nothing. This done they started to ask more from their worshipers, more sacrifices under the threat of a deadly cataclysm

When there divine demands were not honored, humans saw tsunamis, cyclones, lava rivers and fires attack them not even mentioning deadly creatures walking in the countryside waiting for their next victim ...

But the goddesses always asked for more, and one day, one of them, Hynelta, realised that she was getting less offerings than her sisters.

She exploded with rage and convinced her worshipers to kill any other worshiper from Taelhyn or Athynel that they saw. Once the first blood was spelt, a war began. Indeed, Athynel thought it was an attack from Taelhyn and Hynelta, and vice-versa

This war destroyed all that mankind had once upon a time built.

But a small group stayed lucid in spite of the cahos, they received the word from the Creator. That gave them powers to counter the goddesses. Like this the small community, that we call the ancients, fought against them and locked them away into three different temples invisible to outsiders. Before being locked away, the three goddesses shouted their anger towards the Ancients, swearing that one day, they would come back, and finish to destroy the human race, to start in a new world where they would be the masters. Like that the Prophecy was written. The Ancients and their descendants were to guard the three goddesses and to keep them from being freed and to make the Prophecy lie, to stop it’s accomplishment.


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Donjon très bien pensé, d'une bonne longueur, et avec des idées très originales (le laby avec le verre, chapeau !) Une récompense à la fin aurait été bienvenue, mais c'est quand même d'une très bonne qualités. Bravo !

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Team: Ohhopi, Avatir31 and myself (who doesn't understand french at all)


First I want to congratulate to such astonishing, marvelous and epic work that the Creators (with caps) of this Dungeon made. I truly have played lots of RPG's in my live, but this is one of the best dungeons ever!! (I have to test the others on the server yet)


Trial after trial you start to know Socolin, Biscuitcraft and Super_Pingouin as an evil dudes! They are so main, that every test they put you into, it's increasingly hard and also, satisfactory to beat. I sweated over a few test (damn stairs!). I don't want to give any spoil to anybody, so I invite you to test your nerves for yourself.


I couldn't make it without the care, patience and pure entusiasm of Ohhopi and Avatir31. Who patiently they translated every single sign and Legend so I can immerse totally in the donjon (I love that french word!).


Special mention to some halls with epic architecture that really smells like old past ruins, and the great, epic team maze which was a work of a genius. Also the great and necessary teamwork that needs that donjon will create a link with your partners that will last long! That teach you to care and love your partner in hard times!


Difficulty 4/5 (someone told me that there others more hard than this one! I think this one was very very well balanced)

Architecture 5/5

Teamwork 5/5

Variety of trials 5/5

Story 5/5


The only point I can name of it, it's very hard to finish it before 2 hours, that it's when the server get reseted. But if you find a kind administrator (all of them are, really!) he will gladly teleport you to the last room (always ask nicely and kind, sure you will get the same kind of reply).


Nothing more to say! Just play it!! Greater than any commercial game you can found in a game store.

Thanks a lot for this great adventure!

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I'm so glad that even foreigners (when I say foreigners I'm talking about the non-french speakers actually) enjoy this donjon. It's for me a proof that we did a pretty good job, I don't think it's perfect but it's really nice to read all of these feedbacks. It is always a pleasure to know that one of our creations is well considered by others.

Thank you for your comment it motivates us to create more.

We all take some time to read all of the feedbacks and for the moment I can say that we are pretty happy about what we read.

I would suggest you to keep visiting this amazing server and why not the others donjons.



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Donjon génial ! C'est le meilleur que j'ai fais jusqu'a présent.



Bon, on en a un peu ch*er mais on est arrivés au bout après 1h30 de galères, de migraines et de francs éclats de rire !



Un grand merci au pingouin pour sa maintenance rapide. Sans lui, on y serait encore :)




La fine équipe : Sir_moryn, Ninjavic et Moi même

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