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Tout ce qui a été posté par xadrow

  1. Getting better the roof is good. Now personally, i would make the tower a bit higher/longer, to get a needle shape, but what you've got is good too. I'm curious to see what you'll do with it now, so keep up the good work and surprise us
  2. EXEPTIONAL TRANSLATION IN FRENCH #2: Yop yop! Alors alors, j'aime bien l'idee Castlevania est un des rare jeu qui montre la puissance d'un vampire de facon parfaite. Je trouve neanmoins que tu pense peut-etre trop petit, le chateau est nettement plus grand (regarde notamment Lords of Shadows 2). Il y a moyen de faire quelquechose de TRES epique ici. J'avais (il y a bien 2 ans maintenant) essayer de construire un chateau digne du nom de Castlevania (en vanilla et creatif, tu comprendra vite pourquoi), sans jamais le finir de par sa taille. Mais si tu veux des conseils ou des idées n'hesite pas à demander. Apres je comprend que ce ne soit pas ideal de faire un truc trop grand nomplu hein, je sais que c'est chaud . Enfin soit, encore bonne chance Je met quelques screens que ce que j'avais fais de par le passé, peut-etre que cela t'inspireras. En esperant que ceci te soit utile, Cordialement, Xadrow, Shogun and servant of the Yokai Sisters, Self-proclaimed Japanese Architecture specialist. EDIT: Apres avoir lu les anciennes reponse de Ibuki et Meikah, Je dirais fait entre les deux, un truc assez gros et detaillé (element clef DETAIL) qui pourais grandir plus tard ... donc en fait exactement ce que tu fais... vise quand meme plus gros que 3 blocs de hauteur à l'interieur, on est presque en 2016 ca passe plus .
  3. hé hé hé! Well obviously I'm supporting this project, it would be silly of me not to do so (for obvious reasons). +1 from the head of Akuma Kyodai! May the mythical and magical rule once more!
  4. EXCEPTIONAL TRANSLATION IN FRENCH #1: @BA, justement le message precedent etait pour vous prévenir de mon absence temporaire. JE reviens (normalement) le 7 janvier. Je passerais de temps en temps mais pas longtemps car je suis en pause de revisions pour mes exams. Si tu veux, je te propose de commencer un truc, bien que je preferais que l'on attende mon retour pour ceci, mias bon, si on ne construit rien sans moi on avancera pas: Le prochain gros batiment (et premiere vrai destination touristique) est le temple du Roi Akumajin (batiment avec une statue au milieu avec enorme poutres de bois et grosse toiture. Ce batiment ce situe sur une ile volante au dessus du petit lac vers le nord de ce qui est deja constuit. Donc si tu veux travailler sur ca, je donne le feu vert. @Coco, j'aimerai que tu rallie les troupes pour cette etape (si tu as le temps), et que si tu t'ennuis tu donne un coup de main à BA, car contruire une ile volante ne sera pas facile. Demandez a Glieps si vous avez des questions pour le design du dessous (ou a TheGaudis, les deux savent s'y prendre). Je marquerais avec une croix en cobblestone au milieu du lac le milieu de l'ile (pour que vous sachiez ou la mettre) et je mettrais un bloc pour la hauteur de la surface de l;ile aussi (ca risque d'etre une belle chute). Aussi, d'ici peu je me charge de faire une petite image du project pour vos signatures, donc une fois que vous voyez que ma signature aura été mise a jour, venez reclamer (pour la solidarité tout ca tout ca) @Maximawiti, je suis a bruxelles pour noel et nouvel an, je ne sais par contre pas quand est la made in asia.
  5. Hello again. First off, I would like to officially welcome XRaZzz and SowPvP to the project. I would like to apologize for not having been on for a while and thus have greeted you in person, but my studies demanded a lot of me recently. Secondly, I am taking am official break from MF and any other game really because i'm travelling back home, where i do not have my pc, therefore I cannot play. All works are on hold until my return, and our next building we're making will be a "large" temple. Merry Xmas, happy new year and so forth. See you soon. EDIT: corrected mistakes.
  6. Hello, I would like to participate in the building competition. EDIT: I'm joining up in a team with coco987
  7. Well well look who I find. I've known Benji_G for quite a while now, he used to play on a small server i played on as well, he even used to live on the same project as i did. I know from then that he was hard working and motivated. You'll definitly find a good player in him. +1
  8. UPDATE: Screenshots! You love em' , we give em'. Have some screenshots (near end of the main post). Thesicariuscesarus has joined our ranks, 3 cheers for him!
  9. Somewhat inspired by Davy Jones username: xadrow location: Arcande photography:
  10. xadrow

    Tales of a Blood Slime

    Hello Hello. I've finished the first chapter. chapter 1.5 is being written, but wont appear for a while. chapters 2 and 4 wont appear until certain things happen on the server, which means that unfortunately there wont be any updates for a while. I do hope you enjoy the read though (even if it's all in english). Until next time, Xadrow, Shogun and servant of the Yokai Sisters, Self-proclaimed Japanese Architecture specialist.
  11. Now now, lets take a little moment to appreciate Coco's work: He's a madman. No really, he is. He's farmed probably more resources in the last month then some of the older players combined, and probably spent just as much during the last two markets. He's offered me so many resources I should probably build a small effigy to his honor in Akuma Kyodai... (who knows, I just might do it). He's dedicated, motivated, and works like a machine running on nuclear energy, digging, breaking, cutting, and digging even more. There are little to no reasons why he couldn't become one of the most invested people on this server, and there should be just as little doubt as to why he should become a citizen. You have my heartfelt support my dear friend. +1 Xadrow, Shogun and servant of the Twin Sisters, self proclaimed Japanese Architect expert.
  12. Hello Hello! This is an odd project you've got here. Unfortunatly I'm not convinced by the buildings you've got for the village so far, they look rather bland and flat, and you seem to not be using many (if any) minefield unique blocks. I would recommend reviewing this part. The house is funny, I like the thing to be honest, but it looks more like something I'd see on Nimps then on a Rp map. it may require a bit more detailing too. If you have an interior to showcase, could you show it as well? As a final note, you might notice that there is a house on the land you've asked for your terrain. Unless it's yours, you need to add the authorization of that owner to build on the land or it will not be accepted. You'll need to find out who's living there and talk to them. I'm not voting for the moment, but you have my attention. Keep up the work and it might grow into something really interesting.
  13. Hello Hello! Well well this is rather refreshing, a new build in an Ice biome with a very interesting role play and concept. Demons really are the "thing" trending these days. All comments aside let's evaluate: -it's a well documented request, that's a good start. The screenshots show well the idea that you're trying to portray; -it features a very interesting (and new to the server I think) concept of a hardcore War between two factions in a single city. Not many project can say that they have ruins that are planned from the start, let alone war damage; -the project is a full RP one, and although quite a few exist already, it's been a while since I've seen someone with the will to make sure it's 100% followed. -My god , the builds are really nice! The detail work, the design, the majesty, oh how I like this project! Overall, your work is really impressive, and you have my full support for this project. I wish you all the best of luck during this waiting phase and during construction (because I have no clue why this wouldn't become a project). +1. Best regards, Xadrow, Shogun and servant of the Twin Sisters, self proclaimed Japanese Architect expert.
  14. Our map borders have been added to the Dynmap. You can now see what is under our jurisdiction and what isnt.
  15. Considering you were a previous land owner and your game experience, you are more than welcome to join the project Welcome to Akuma Kyodai. Don't worry, studies come first, I'm a 3rd year university student, I know how demanding the BAC can be Unfortunatly this weekend I will not be able to play because I'm travelling (23-25 oct. 2015) so building is put on hold. If you wish to help already, farming netherbrick (or netherrack) would be a conciderable aid. I'll set up a building plane soon so we can work quickly and efficiently.
  16. Good Evening/ morning / afternoon.... Type of request: addition requested element: Border Map: New-Stendel Lien vers la demande de projet: Thank you for your time.
  17. Currently working on: - Everything... ( I need a life) finished work: -North river edge - tavern - South edge road reworks - Temple island (Akumajin Memorial) - Splash arrival - Leisure House (casino and tea room) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ FUNDS: Fonds actuellement disponibles pour le projet: 1000 Pa (Actif) - 0 Pa (Crédit Cubo)
  18. Bienvenu sur le topic pour Akuma Kyōdai. Akuma Kyōdai est un projet fantastique japonais/asiatique, ayant pour but d'être un projet décoratif et Rp. Situé au Sud de New-Stendel, Akuma Kyōdai est une île peuplée de Yōkai et d'Oni, des créatures mythologiques nippones, dirigés par deux sœurs qui ne s'entendent pas particulièrement à merveille, Hikari et Yami. Le projet avait (et d'un certain côté a toujours) une vocation d'être un projet qui ouvre la porte vers l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue: l'anglais. Partant à la base d'un gimmick personnel, le projet est conçut pour essayer de lancer un approfondissement de la connaissance de cette langue (certains diront barbare) à travers un univers différent et en forme de jeu. Toute étiquette, panneau, livre ou élément est à la base écrit en anglais, et une traduction est produite là où nécessaire. Vous pouvez ainsi, lorsque vous êtes dans le channel mumble du projet ou encore sur ce sujet même, communiqué librement en français ou en anglais. Vous trouverez toutes les informations les plus importantes concernant le projet, incluant des explications sur l'architecture, le RP, les membres, les commerçants, les dons faits au projet, le recrutement de nouveau membres, des rapports sur le progrès du projet et des offres de loteries. La discussion n'est pas restreinte aux membres du projet, donc vous êtes tous les bienvenus. Cabinet d'Architecture *Note: Le cabinet est en cours de rénovation, mais vous êtes toujours libre de jeter un coup d’œil. Bibliothèque des Loristes Hierarchie et organisation du projet : - En cours d'édition - Comment rejoindre le projet? Pour rejoindre le projet, une petite présentation s'impose. Vous êtes invitez à écrire ci-dessous: - vos motivations pour rejoindre le projets, - montrer (si possible) votre travail précédent ou vos qualités de constructeur, tout style confondu, - expliquer en RP pourquoi/comment votre personnage veux s'associer avec une communauté de Yōkai et d'Oni recluse du monde "civilisé". Si vous préférez, vous pouvez aussi me l'envoyer en MP sur le forum. Une fois cette candidature traitée, vous rentrés en phase test (durée variable dépendant de l'investissement). Durant cette période, vous êtes Ronin. Vous serez invités à construire votre demeure sur le territoire, construction pendant laquelle vous apprendrez les nuances de la constructions asiatique (si vous ne les connaissez pas encore). Une fois la période de test passée, vous passez Bushi. Les Membres
  19. Thank you ever so much for accepting this project. I will do my best to fulfill everyone's expectations! Concerning the abandoned houses, how would I go about asking for their removal? @ kefka, I do have a flag, I'll send you an image of it via MP. Thank you to everyone who made this project possible and to everyone who supported it during it's presentation. I hope to see you all soon in the newly built Akuma Kyodai!
  20. Unfortunately I can't do anything because I'm in England, but I would love to attend if you happen to do anything during Xmas, Easter or between June to September next year.
  21. Update: The palace is currently being reviewed, as it seemed not being majestic enough. The building base is kept, but works are being made around it. Currently no screenshots because I don't want to spoil the upgrades. The old screens are kept for you to have an idea of what it's going to look like for the style.
  22. Maybe I shouldn't be pointing these out but... "ache en diamant" ; "redigeur"... Could I recommend correcting these as soon as possible, considering you're hosting a poetry, i.e., language contest?
  23. Hello hello. Well, lets look at it this way: -You've got a motivated young man, at the pinnacle of his career on Minefield, trying to get a few extra Silver coins in a honorable way; -You've got a well respected member of the community, who helps newcomers with open arms (provided he can exploit them afterwards); -You've got a player who is willing to invest time and effort in working for a community he loves. He's reliable and trustworthy, and knows the art of the trade, he's an excellent builder and an all-round great asset to the community. Denying him this privilege would be sacrilege in my opinion. What are the risks: -he might try making his tools less durable and make profit from the people who will keep buying stuff from him; -he might fraud the newcomers and force them into buying his equipment; -he might drive a slave industry of Chinese kids to make cheap pickaxes... But I highly doubt that would happen... that wouldn't happen... would it? All jokes aside, I support him all the way. a big +1 from the Japanese Slime.
  24. Hello everyone. Just a little message to showcase the progress I've made since end September: - A new building has been added to the screenshots: The Palace (will probably still be tweaked a little); - A new piece of artwork at the end of the main post has been added. - A big thanks to Novi for making an amazing donation of 5000 Silver coins to the project. I would like to thank every single person who has taken the time to support the project so far. You cannot imagine how happy it makes me to see so many praise my work. Also, for The_Dionysos, here's the confirmation that I am authorized to write the whole post in English:
  25. I thank you from the bottom of my heart You cannot imagine how happy this makes me, really! I will forever be grateful for your contribution. As promised, your act of kindness will not be forgotten. I wish you all the best. Congrats to the other winners as well
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