we are


We create terrific effects inside minecraft



We create great plugins and visual effects in minecraft that have never been done nor seen anywhere else. We also give concerts.

We are atebits



external 3D models, textured and animated.

lazer structures, beams and animations.

giant tv screen transmitting live stream

ingame command panel with clicable signs

instant “hat”, drunk effect, size change…

NO. We do not give or sell these plugins at the moment. If you want to create an event with us, please read the contact section.



we started by giving free concerts on the biggest minecraft server in france. the first ones were pretty clunky.

as a team, we worked on our shows and improved both our music and our effects. we had a world record of online players.

we want to keep having fun that way, and are also offering our services for big events.



We will answer any question regarding potential partnership opportunities.

We will NOT answer any question regarding the plugins, how they are made or about their availability.

If you are interested by hosting an event, please keep in mind that our services are NOT free.


stay in touch

We’ll always communicate on our next events. dont miss them by following us !